Homeworkhelp2’s Weblog

January 29, 2008

why are we so hard on celebereties?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — homeworkhelp2 @ 8:40 pm

i just do not know why this is. i mean, half the stuff they do is only just above a small gossip for a normal person but for them its front page news. for example after only mintes online i found these

is it just me or are e being to harsh on them.

any possible reasons

What do Christians believe about life after death?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , — homeworkhelp2 @ 10:01 am

hi. could i please have some help with this question. i especially want to hear from Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Quakers, MEthodists, Baptists, Evangelical Protestants and Salvation army but any other Christians or comments by anyone with a belief in this would be helpful too. please comment.  also comments on why Jesus’s ressurection is imporant, information about the soul and any views on, ideas on heaven, hell and purgatory, the day of judgment, and how someone gets to heaven.

also does predestination happen?


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