Homeworkhelp2’s Weblog

November 19, 2008


Filed under: Uncategorized — homeworkhelp2 @ 8:02 pm

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All the detritivores help break down the leaf litter, but as in all food webs there has to be someone to keep there numbers down a bit.

other examples of detritivores 1. Millipede

2. Springtail

Carnivores basically eat anything smaller then itself sometimes even other carnavores and a sammler version of there species.

examples are 1. Centipede

2. Beetle

3. Spider

4. Harvestman(not the same as a a spider.0


Fungi are groups of organisations. Fungi are parasitic this means living off other things even doing them bodily harm and they are one of the

main factors that break up dead organisamisms(decomposers this can be called Saprophytic, but you don’t need to worry about that.

Fungii lives off many things mostly dead, but sometimes on living things. There are also many differant types of fungii, but should we see how many we

can count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

8 Short paragraphs on each few here for u.

Puffballs- The spores are inside a ball in this mushroom. The ball is most likely to be at ground level. If you squish them then the resonable

hard desolve to a powdery mush.

Jelly Fungi- These look like small blobs of jelly on the suface they are on. They are soft and can be found on trees or dead twigs.

Bracket Fungi- This can also be called Polypores. They tend to have tough, leathery or slighty woody bodies they are found on rotten wood or bark

they look a bit like a plate sticking out the side of the rooten wood. They can also grow in soil.

Fairy clubs normanlly grow in the leaf litter or soil. They are the most coomen fungi we found with proves that they are very commen.

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